
Ikimonogakari is one of the most famous Japanese artists. The group is trio. The member is Kiyoe Yoshioka, Yoshiki Mizuno and Hotaka Yamashita. Vocalist is Kiyoe Yoshioka.  Her voice is very graceful.
Ikimonobakari is their album sold on November 3, 2010.  The title is Ikimonobakari. It contains many singles from debut. I think that there are a song you have heard once. It has catchy and soulful music, so you can enjoy this album. I want many people to listen to their songs and recommend this album!

6 件のコメント:

  1. I know Ikimonogakari. I like Ikimonogakari too. My favorite song is "Koisuruotome". This lyrics of this song is cute.

  2. I like Ikimonogakari very much.
    I often sing their musics at karaoke.
    I want to know about them more!

  3. Of course, I like this group too. because I like their song "Yell" very much.

  4. I agree with your opinion. I like this group and her voice, too. I don't know new album is released.

  5. A-
    Pretty good. Check these points:
    The group is trio >> a trio
    The member is >> The members are...
    Vocalist is > The vocalist is
